Journal Articles
and Books


Merchel, S. (2014). Auditory-Tactile Music Perception (ISBN: 978-3-8440-3161-4), Shaker Verlag, Germany.


Merchel, S. and Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). The Influence of Vibrations on Musical Experience, in Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 62(4), pp. 220-234.

AOA Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Music-Induced Vibrations in a Concert Hall and a Church, in Archives of Acoustics, 38(1), pp. 13-18.

Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. (2012). Touch the Sound: Audio-Driven Tactile Feedback for Audio Mixing Applications, in Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 60(1/2), pp. 47-53.

IEEE Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2012). Electrotactile Feedback for Handheld Devices with Touch-Screen and Simulation of Roughness, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 6-13.

Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2010). Analysis and Implementation of a Stereophonic Play Back System for Adjusting the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position, in Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 58(10), pp. 809–817.

Book cover Merchel, S. (2008). Beurteilung von Musikinstrumenten: anhand von Solomusikstücken (ISBN-13: 978-3836467766), Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller, Germany.



Link Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. (2010). Vorrichtung zur Verarbeitung und Wiedergabe von Signalen in elektronischen Systemen zur elektrotaktilen Stimulation, German Patent 10 2009 020 796
Work in Progress

Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. (Application filed 2010). Apparatus for Processing and Reproducing Signals in Electronic Systems for Electrotactile Stimulation, International Patent Application WO 2010/124683 A1


Merchel, S., Groth, S. and Altinsoy, M.E. (2011). Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur adaptiven Anpassung des Singularwiedergabebereichs in stereophonen Schallwiedergabesystemen an Hörpositionen, German Patent 10 2009 015 174


Peer Reviewed Conferences

PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Schwendicke, A. (2015). Tactile intensity perception compared to auditory loudness perception, in Proceedings of the IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Chicago, US.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2015). Designing Auditory-Tactile Perception of Music, in Proceedings of the International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music (ICMEM), Sheffield, UK.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Kormann, L. (2014). freeDSP: An open-source low-budget audio DSP board, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-14), Erlangen, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Vibration in Music Perception, in Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 134th Convention, Rome, Italy.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Schwendicke, A., and Altinsoy, M.E. (2011). Feeling the sound: audio-tactile intensity perception, in Proceedings of 2nd Polish-German Structured Conference on Acoustics, The 58th Open Seminar on Acoustics, Jurata, Poland.
Link Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S., and Rosenkranz, R. (2011), Evaluating kinesthetic feedback and its audio-tactile extension for virtual shape and object identification, in Proceedings of 2nd Polish-German Structured Conference on Acoustics, The 58th Open Seminar on Acoustics, Jurata, Poland.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., and Stamm, M. (2011). Equal Intensity Contours for Whole-Body Vibrations Compared with Vibrations Cross-Modally Matched to Isophones, in Cooper, E.; Brewster, S.; Ogawa, H.; Kryssanov, V.K. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2011, LNCS 6851, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Link Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E., and Merchel S. (2011). Influence of the Auditory Localization Direction on the Haptic Estimation of Virtual Length, in Cooper, E.; Brewster, S.; Ogawa, H.; Kryssanov, V.K. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2011, LNCS 6851, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Link Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2011). Electrotactile feedback for handheld devices with touch screen - Texture reproduction, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 59 - 60, Las Vegas, US, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8711-0.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2011). BRTF (Body Related Transfer Function) and Whole-Body Vibration Reproduction Systems, AES 130th Convention, London, UK.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E., Jekosch, U., Merchel, S. & Landgraf, J. (2010). Progress in Auditory Perception Research Laboratories - Multimodal Measurement Laboratory of Dresden University of Technology. AES 129th Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2010). Cross-Modality Matching of Loudness and Perceived Intensity of Whole-Body Vibrations, in Nordahl, R.; Serafin, S.; Fontana, F.; Brewster, S. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2010, LNCS 6306, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2010). Cross-Modal Frequency Matching: Sound and Whole-Body Vibration, in Nordahl, R.; Serafin, S.; Fontana, F.; Brewster, S. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2010, LNCS 6306, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
PDF logo Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel , S. (2010). Identification accuracy and efficiency of haptic virtual objects using force-feedback, in Proceedings of PQS, Bautzen, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. (2010). Touch the Sound: Audio-Driven Tactile Feedback for Audio Mixing Applications, in Proceedings of PQS, Bautzen, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. (2010). Tactile Music Instrument Recognition for Audio Mixers, in Proceedings of the AES 128th Convention, London, UK.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2009). Audiotactile Feedback Design for Touch Screens, in Altinsoy, M. E., Jekosch, U. & Brewster, S. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2009, LNCS 5763, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2009). Vibratory and Acoustical Factors in Multimodal Reproduction of Concert DVDs, in Altinsoy, M. E., Jekosch, U. & Brewster, S. (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2009, LNCS 5763, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2009). Evaluation of a New Stereophonic Reproduction Method with Moving “Sweet Spot” Using a Binaural Localization Model, in Proceedings of the ISAAR, Copenhagen, Denmark.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2009). Analysis and Implementation of a Stereophonic Play Back System for Adjusting the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position, in Proceedings of the AES 126th Convention, Munich, Germany.
PDF logo

Merchel, S., Hoffmann, R. (2006). Subjective evaluation of musical instruments on the basis of solo pieces of music, 2nd ISCA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, Berlin, Germany.



PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Kaule, D. & Volkmar, C. (2015). Vibro-Acoustical Sound Reproduction in Cars, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Kaule, D. & Volkmar, C. (2015). Vibroakustische Audiowiedergabe im KFZ, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV), Florence, Italy.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Kormann, L. (2015). freeDSP - ein quelloffenes DIY Audioprozessorboard, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
PDF logo Schwendicke, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2015). Die Grenzen der Wahrnehmung - Fühlschwellen für Ganzkörperschwingungen bei hohen Frequenzen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
PDF logo Rosenkranz, R., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2015). Untersuchung der Pegelabhängigkeit von Wahrnehmungsmerkmalen von Ganzkörperschwingungen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
PDF logo Wühle, T., Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. (2015). Vergleich verschiedener Lautsprecherzeilen im Nahfeld, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
PDF logo Marx, P., Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2015). Entwicklung eines Softwarevocoders mit Hilfe der wertschöpfungsübergreifenden Lead User Methode, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany.
Link Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Multimodale Aspekte der Musikwiedergabe, in Proceedings of the tmt28 Tonmeistertagung 2014, Cologne, Germany.
Link Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Modifying the virtual acoustical room size in an (CAVE) echoic environment, in Proceedings of the tmt28 Tonmeistertagung 2014, Cologne, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Caspari A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). Der Einfluss von Vibrationen auf den bevorzugten Basspegel bei der Musikdarbietung, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2014 - 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Oldenburg, Germany.
PDF logo Wühle, T., Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). Comparison of different loudspeaker arrays in the near-field, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum, Kraków, Poland.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Caspari A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). The influence of vibrations on the preferred bass equalization in an audio system, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum, Kraków, Poland.

Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Modifying the virtual acoustical room size in an (CAVE) echoic environment, in Proceedings of ICSA - International Conference on Spatial Audio, Erlangen, Germany.

PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S. & Tilsch S. (2013). Perceptual evaluation of violin vibrations and audio-tactile interaction, in Proceedings of 21st International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2013, Montréal, Canada.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Auditory-Tactile Music Perception, in Proceedings of 21st International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2013, Montréal, Canada.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Der Einfluss von Vibrationen auf die Konzertwahrnehmung, in Proceedings of the AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano, Italy.
Work in Progress Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2012). Akustische Synthese für die Erweiterung von Force-Feedback zur virtuellen Form- und Objekterkennung, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2012). Der Konzertsaal bebt - Vibroakustische Messungen in der Semperoper Dresden, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany.
Work in Progress Rosenkranz, R., Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. & Merchel, S.(2012). Taktile Wahrnehmung im Kontext multimodaler virtueller Umgebungen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany.
Link Merchel, S. (2011). SweetSpotter - Releasing the stereophonic listener from its static hearing position, Internation Conference on Spatial Audio, Detmold, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Stamm, M. (2011). Just Noticeable Frequency Differences for Whole-Body Vibrations, in Proceedings of Internoise 2011, Osaka, Japan.
PDF logo Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel S. (2011). Auditory Enhancement of Haptic Force-Feedback for Discriminating Virtual Curved Surfaces, in Proceedings of Internoise 2011, Osaka, Japan.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Stamm, M. (2011). Tactile Identification of Non-Percussive Music Instruments, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2011). Application of Audiotactile Intensity Interaction on Touch-Screens, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark.
Link Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S. & Stamm, S. (2011). Audiotaktile Interaktion und neue Steuerungssysteme, Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung Bd. 6, Nr. 3, S. 119-120.
PDF logo Stamm M., Altinsoy M.E. & Merchel S. (2011). Einfluss der Hörereignisrichtung auf die Schätzung virtueller Längen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2011 - 37th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2010). Adaptive Adjustment of the ”Sweet Spot“ for Head Rotation, in Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, Sydney, Australia.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2010). Automatische Anpassung des stereophonen Sweetspots bei Kopfdrehung. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2010). Einfluss des audiotaktilen Feedbacks auf die Qualität von Touchscreens für Digital Audio Workstations. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2010). Frequenzwahrnehmung von Ganzkörperschwingungen im Vergleich zur auditiven Wahrnehmung I. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. & Merchel, S. (2010). Frequenzwahrnehmung von Ganzkörperschwingungen im Vergleich zur auditiven Wahrnehmung II. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Leppin, A. (2010). Multisensorische Interaktion im Fahrzeug: Audio-Taktile Intensitätswahrnehmung. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S., Erkut, C. & Jylhä A. (2009). Physically-Based Synthesis Modeling of Xylophones for Auditory-Tactile Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, HAID 2009, Dresden, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Leppin, A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2009). Influence of Whole Body Vibrations on Loudness Perception, in Proc. of the 16th Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2009, Krakow, Poland.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2009). BRTF - Body Related Transfer Functions for Whole-Body Vibration Reproduction Systems, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009). Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2009). Audiotactile Feedback for Touch Screens, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

PDF logo Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2009). Adaptive Adjustment of the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position in a Stereophonic Play Back System - Part 1, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
PDF logo Groth, S., Merchel, S. (2009). Adaptive Adjustment of the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position in a Stereophonic Play Back System - Part 2, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
PDF logo Jekosch U., Altinsoy, E. and Merchel S. (2008). A Structuralistic Approach to Acoustic-Auditory Functions of Meaning, in Proceedings of "Acoustics '08", Paris, France.
PDF logo Altinsoy, M.E. and Merchel, S. (2008) Einfluss der zeitlichen Frequenzveränderung auf die audio-taktile Integration im Fahrzeug, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2008 - 34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S. and Altinsoy, M.E. (2008) 5.1 oder 5.2 Surround - Ist Surround taktil erweiterbar?, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2008 - 34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2008, Dresden, Germany.



PDF logo Merchel, S. (2005) Untersuchungen zur subjektiven und objektiven Bewertung und Beurteilung von Musikinstrumenten anhand von Solomusikstücken, Diplomarbeit, TU Dresden, Germany.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Franco, A. F., Pesqueux, L., Rouaud, M., Soerensen, M. O. (2004). Sound Reproduction By Wave Field Synthesis, Project Report, Aalborg University, Denmark.
PDF logo Merchel, S., Biedermann, I., Joergensen, O. O., Matejka, M., Poncet, D. J., Soerensen, M. O. (2004). Reproduction of Surround Sound in Headphones, Project Report, Aalborg University, Denmark.