Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Kaule, D. & Volkmar, C. (2015). Vibro-Acoustical Sound Reproduction in Cars, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E., Kaule, D. & Volkmar, C. (2015). Vibroakustische Audiowiedergabe im KFZ, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV), Florence, Italy. |
Merchel, S. & Kormann, L. (2015). freeDSP - ein quelloffenes DIY Audioprozessorboard, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Schwendicke, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2015). Die Grenzen der Wahrnehmung - Fühlschwellen für Ganzkörperschwingungen bei hohen Frequenzen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Rosenkranz, R., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2015). Untersuchung der Pegelabhängigkeit von Wahrnehmungsmerkmalen von Ganzkörperschwingungen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Wühle, T., Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. (2015). Vergleich verschiedener Lautsprecherzeilen im Nahfeld, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Marx, P., Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2015). Entwicklung eines Softwarevocoders mit Hilfe der wertschöpfungsübergreifenden Lead User Methode, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2015 - 41th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Nürnberg, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Multimodale Aspekte der Musikwiedergabe, in Proceedings of the tmt28 Tonmeistertagung 2014, Cologne, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Modifying the virtual acoustical room size in an (CAVE) echoic environment, in Proceedings of the tmt28 Tonmeistertagung 2014, Cologne, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Caspari A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). Der Einfluss von Vibrationen auf den bevorzugten Basspegel bei der Musikdarbietung, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2014 - 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Oldenburg, Germany. |
Wühle, T., Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). Comparison of different loudspeaker arrays in the near-field, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum, Kraków, Poland. |
Merchel, S., Caspari A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2014). The influence of vibrations on the preferred bass equalization in an audio system, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum, Kraków, Poland. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2014). Modifying the virtual acoustical room size in an (CAVE) echoic environment, in Proceedings of ICSA - International Conference on Spatial Audio, Erlangen, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S. & Tilsch S. (2013). Perceptual evaluation of violin vibrations and audio-tactile interaction, in Proceedings of 21st International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2013, Montréal, Canada. |
Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Auditory-Tactile Music Perception, in Proceedings of 21st International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2013, Montréal, Canada. |
Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2013). Der Einfluss von Vibrationen auf die Konzertwahrnehmung, in Proceedings of the AIA-DAGA 2013, Merano, Italy. |
Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2012). Akustische Synthese für die Erweiterung von Force-Feedback zur virtuellen Form- und Objekterkennung, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany. |
Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2012). Der Konzertsaal bebt - Vibroakustische Messungen in der Semperoper Dresden, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany. |
Rosenkranz, R., Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. & Merchel, S.(2012). Taktile Wahrnehmung im Kontext multimodaler virtueller Umgebungen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2012 - 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Darmstadt, Germany. |
Merchel, S. (2011). SweetSpotter - Releasing the stereophonic listener from its static hearing position, Internation Conference on Spatial Audio, Detmold, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Stamm, M. (2011). Just Noticeable Frequency Differences for Whole-Body Vibrations, in Proceedings of Internoise 2011, Osaka, Japan. |
Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel S. (2011). Auditory Enhancement of Haptic Force-Feedback for Discriminating Virtual Curved Surfaces, in Proceedings of Internoise 2011, Osaka, Japan. |
Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Stamm, M. (2011). Tactile Identification of Non-Percussive Music Instruments, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2011). Application of Audiotactile Intensity Interaction on Touch-Screens, in Proceedings of the EAA Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark. |
Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S. & Stamm, S. (2011). Audiotaktile Interaktion und neue Steuerungssysteme, Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung Bd. 6, Nr. 3, S. 119-120. |
Stamm M., Altinsoy M.E. & Merchel S. (2011). Einfluss der Hörereignisrichtung auf die Schätzung virtueller Längen, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2011 - 37th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2010). Adaptive Adjustment of the ”Sweet Spot“ for Head Rotation, in Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, Sydney, Australia. |
Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2010). Automatische Anpassung des stereophonen Sweetspots bei Kopfdrehung. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2010). Einfluss des audiotaktilen Feedbacks auf die Qualität von Touchscreens für Digital Audio Workstations. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Stamm, M., Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2010). Frequenzwahrnehmung von Ganzkörperschwingungen im Vergleich zur auditiven Wahrnehmung I. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E., Stamm, M. & Merchel, S. (2010). Frequenzwahrnehmung von Ganzkörperschwingungen im Vergleich zur auditiven Wahrnehmung II. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Altinsoy, M.E. & Leppin, A. (2010). Multisensorische Interaktion im Fahrzeug: Audio-Taktile Intensitätswahrnehmung. in Proceedings of the DAGA 2010 - 36th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Berlin, Germany. |
Altinsoy, M.E., Merchel, S., Erkut, C. & Jylhä A. (2009). Physically-Based Synthesis Modeling of Xylophones for Auditory-Tactile Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, HAID 2009, Dresden, Germany. |
Merchel, S., Leppin, A. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2009). Influence of Whole Body Vibrations on Loudness Perception, in Proc. of the 16th Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2009, Krakow, Poland. |
Altinsoy, M.E. & Merchel, S. (2009). BRTF - Body Related Transfer Functions for Whole-Body Vibration Reproduction Systems, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009). Rotterdam, The Netherlands. |
Merchel, S. & Altinsoy, M.E. (2009). Audiotactile Feedback for Touch Screens, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. |
Merchel, S., Groth, S. (2009). Adaptive Adjustment of the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position in a Stereophonic Play Back System - Part 1, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. |
Groth, S., Merchel, S. (2009). Adaptive Adjustment of the “Sweet Spot” to the Listener’s Position in a Stereophonic Play Back System - Part 2, in Int. Conf. on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. |
Jekosch U., Altinsoy, E. and Merchel S. (2008). A Structuralistic Approach to Acoustic-Auditory Functions of Meaning, in Proceedings of "Acoustics '08", Paris, France. |
Altinsoy, M.E. and Merchel, S. (2008) Einfluss der zeitlichen Frequenzveränderung auf die audio-taktile Integration im Fahrzeug, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2008 - 34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2008, Dresden, Germany. |
Merchel, S. and Altinsoy, M.E. (2008) 5.1 oder 5.2 Surround - Ist Surround taktil erweiterbar?, in Proceedings of the DAGA 2008 - 34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2008, Dresden, Germany. |