In this project a Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) system using a linear array of loudspeakers is implemented. It is discussed that the reproduction of stereophonic recordings is possible using WFS. The size of the stereo sweet spot can even be increased.

WFS background theory is described and some limitations are introduced. Simulations are carried out in Matlab to visualize the behaviour of a system based on WFS, with special attention to the artefacts: spatial aliasing, truncation effects and amplitude errors. Methods to reduce these artefacts are compared.

Wave Field Synthesis Flash Animation WFS

The WFS system system is implemented by a linear array of 24 loudspeakers constructed in an anechoic room. The driving signals are calculated by a MATLAB program and played back through 24 channels. Measurements are carried out to verify the simulations.

PDF logo Merchel, S., Franco, A. F., Pesqueux, L., Rouaud, M., Soerensen, M. O. (2004). Sound Reproduction By Wave Field Synthesis, Project Report, Aalborg University
PDF logo

This ZIP file (1 MB) contains Matlab functions for offline calculation of WFS driving signals and the functions used to create the simulations shown in the above report. In addition, the frequency response and directivity data of the used loudspeakers can be found.

SweetSpotter GUI

I'm currentling involved in the installation of a state of the art WFS System from IOSONO, which is installed in our Multi-Modal Measurement Lab at the Chair of Communication Acoustics, TU Dresden.

This system consists of 464 loudspeakers and 4 subwoofers. The tweeter loudspeakers were installed with a very little spacing of 6 cm to reduce spatial aliasing artifacts.


A WFS introduction and an Open Source rendering system can be found here:

Literature: Wave Field Synthesis by Diemer de Vries, TU Delft

Free Software: SoundScape Renderer, TU Berlin